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An introduction to the Forex market

Trade the world's most liquid market 24 hours a day, 5 days a week on our MT4 & MT5 trading platforms. Enjoy tight spreads, zero commisons when you open an account with One Financial Markets.

Why trade Forex with One Financial Markets

70+ Currency pairs to choose from

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Largely due to its size and longstanding history, the Forex market is the most common starting point for new traders looking to profit from fluctuating exchange rates.

The attraction is easy to understand – a highly-liquid market offers the potential for substantial returns, fast withdrawals, and an easy trading process.

Product Symbol Exchange Product margin Indicative spread (pips) Average spread (pips) Typical spread (pips) Trading hours Timezone
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What influences the price of gold? Several factors which include the time of year, investor and trader confidence, inflation, fluctuations in U.S. stocks, international political and military tensions, and increases or decreases in the prices of other commodities, but above all else, the price of gold is influenced by fluctuations in the U.S. dollar.

Product Symbol Exchange Product margin Indicative spread (pips) Average spread (pips) Typical spread (pips) Trading hours Timezone
Gold Future GOLD.fs N/A 5% 3     Sunday 18:01 - Friday 16:59 New York
Gold vs Australian Dollar XAUAUD N/A 20% 2.4     Monday 01:01 - Friday 23:58 Platform Time
Gold vs Euro XAUEUR N/A 20% 2.5     Monday 01:01 - Friday 23:58 Platform Time
Gold vs Swiss Franc XAUCHF N/A 20% 2.4     Monday 01:01 - Friday 23:58 Platform Time
Gold vs US Dollar XAUUSD N/A 5% 2     Monday 01:01 - Friday 23:58 Platform Time
Gold vs British Pound  XAUGBP N/A 20% 1.8     Monday 01:01 - Friday 23:58 Platform Time
Silver vs US Dollar XAGUSD N/A 10% 1.5     Wednesday 01:01 - Friday 23:58 Platform Time

The stock market is world-renowned for making smart investors rich, and ill-informed investors poor. Although newcomers may be intimidated by its sheer size and reputation as a trading market, actually getting involved is far easier than you might expect.

The market operates much like a living entity. When all parts are combined, it makes a formidable creature.

Product Symbol Exchange Product margin Indicative spread (pips) Average spread (pips) Typical spread (pips) Trading hours Timezone
Aussie 200 AUS200 SFE 5% 3.9     09:50 Monday - 06:59 Saturday Sydney
China 50 CN50 N/A 10% 11 11 11 09:00 Monday - 04:44 Saturday Shanghai
DAX40 DAX40 EUREX 5% 2     08:15 SGT Monday - 21:59 Friday CET Frankfurt & Singapore
Euro 50 EU50 EUREX 5% 3     00:00 Monday - 22:59 Friday Frankfurt
French 40 FRA40 EUREX 5% 3     08:00 Monday - 21:59 Friday Paris
German 40 GER40 EUREX 5% 2     00:00 Monday - 22:59 Friday Frankfurt
Hong Kong 50 HK50 HFE 10% 10 10 10 09:15 Monday - 02:59 Saturday Hong Kong
Italy 40 IT40   5% 0     Monday 09:00 - Friday 17:39 Milan
Japan 225 JPN225 OSE/CME 5% 30     08:30 Monday - 06:00 Saturday Tokyo
Nasdaq 100 NAS100.fs CME 5% 2     Monday 09:00 - Friday 17:39 New York
Netherlands 25 NETH25 EUREX 10% 3     08:00 Monday - 22:00 Friday Amsterdam
Spain 35 SPA35 MRV 10% 5     08:00 Monday - 19:59 Friday Madrid
UK100 UK100 LIFFE 5% 0.8     23:00 Sunday - 21:59 Friday London
US 2000 US2000 N/A 10% 10     18:00 Sunday - 16:59 Friday New York
US 30 US30 N/A 5% 3     18:00 Sunday - 16:59 Friday New York
US 500 US 500 CME 0.5% 5     18:00 Sunday - 16:59 Friday New York

There has never been a better time to invest in the commodities markets. Since the start of the global recession we have seen a renewed interest in commodity trading with clear trends developing for the different sectors.

At One Financial Markets you can trade on the price movements of a whole range of exchange traded commodities.

Product Symbol Exchange Product margin Indicative spread (pips) Average spread (pips) Typical spread (pips) Trading hours Timezone
Cocoa COCOA.fs NYBOT 10% 8     Monday 04:45 - Friday 13:29 New York
Coffee COFFEE.fs CBOT 10% 25 27 25 Monday 04:45 - Friday 13:29 New York
Copper COPPER.fs COMMEX 10% 6     Sunday 17:00 - Friday 15:59 Chicago
Platinum v US Dollar XPTUSD NYMEX 10% 11.1 99 108 Wednesday 01:01 - Friday 23:58 PlatformTime
Soy Bean SOYBEAN.fs CBOT 10% 12.5 13.2 12.5 Sunday 19:00 - Friday 13:19 Chicago

Often billed as the arena for the trader’s trader, energy futures display certain fundamentals that set them apart from other commodities trading. Indeed, very literally what  fuels the world, energy futures trading is a game with high stakes, as it deals in non-renewable resources.

Sugar and wheat can be seasonally cultivated, but oil and gas reserves need to be discovered and extracted as a single project before moving on. Once lifted, oil, gas and coal will never be replenished in a meaningful time frame. As a result, these commodities remain highly desirable and are readily impacted by global events.

Product Symbol Exchange Product margin Indicative spread (pips) Average spread (pips) Typical spread (pips) Trading hours Timezone
Natural Gas NATGAS.fs N/A 10% 8     Sunday 17:00 - Friday 15:59 New York
UK Crude UKOIL N/A 10% 3     18:00 Sunday - 16:59 Friday New York
US Crude USOIL N/A 10% 3     18:00 Sunday - 16:59 Friday New York
WTI Crude Oil Futures WTI.fs N/A 10% 3 3 3 18:00 Sunday 16:59 Friday New York

Cryptocurrencies are the world’s youngest asset class, with Bitcoin (BTC) created as recently as 2009.

They gained the world’s spotlight between 2015 and 2018, most recently when bitcoin shocked financial analysts in a leap from $1,000 to a little under $20,000 in just a few short months – creating a number of millionaires in the process.

Please note, cryptocurrencies are currently set to "close only" for Retail clients and only available to Professional clients

Product Symbol Exchange Product margin Indicative spread (pips) Average spread (pips) Typical spread (pips) Trading hours Timezone
Bitcoin BTCUSD N/A 20% 40     00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
Bitcoin Cash BCHUSD N/A 20% 15     00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
Cardano ADAUSD N/A 20% 0.0075     00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
Chainlink LNKUSD N/A 20% 0.054     00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
Dash DSHUSD N/A 20% 2     00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
DogeCoin DOGUSD N/A 20% 0.0011     00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
EOS EOSUSD N/A 20% 0.013     00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
Ethereum ETHUSD N/A 20% 2     00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
Litecoin LTCUSD N/A 20% 5     00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
Polkadot DOTUSD N/A 20% 0.1     00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
Ripple XRPUSD N/A 20% 1.5     00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
Stellar Lumen XLMUSD N/A 20% 0.0045     00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time

Companies listed for public trade offer shares, also known as equities, can be purchased and sold on exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and other financial stock markets.

Stock prices are ever changing, and their values can be influenced by a variety of factors. Major influences include company profits, industry news and analyst ratings. Supply and demand play a critical role in price fluctuations, with all of the above affecting demand, and in some cases, supply.


Commission free share trading on MT4

US | UK | EU
Region Name Symbol Margins Trading hours Time Zone
Bitcoin BTCUSD N/A 10% 14 49.6 40 Monday -Sunday 00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
Bitcoin Cash BCHUSD N/A 10% 1 1.02 1 Monday - Sunday 00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
Cardano ADAUSD N/A 20% 0 0.01 0.01 Monday - Friday 00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
Chainlink LNKUSD N/A 20% 0 0.06 0.06 Monday - Friday 00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
Dash DSHUSD N/A 20% 2     Monday - Friday 00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
DogeCoin DOGUSD N/A 20% 0 0 0 Monday - Friday 00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
EOS EOSUSD N/A 20% 0 0.01 0.01 Monday - Friday 00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
Ethereum ETHUSD N/A 10% 2 3.19 2.5 Monday - Sunday 00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
Litecoin LTCUSD N/A 10% 0.35 0.36 0.3 Monday - Sunday 00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
Polkadot DOTUSD N/A 20% 0 0.1 0.1 Monday - Friday 00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
Ripple XRPUSD N/A 20% 1.5 0.01 0.01 Monday - Friday 00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
Stellar Lumen XLMUSD N/A 20% 0 0 0 Monday - Friday 00:01 - 23:58 MT4 time
Region Number of shares
US 271           See more
Name Symbol Minimum Commission Commission (Basis Points) Margins from Trading hours Time Zone Platform
UK 141           See more
Name Symbol Minimum Commission Commission (Basis Points) Margins from Trading hours Time Zone Platform
EU 46           See more
Name Symbol Minimum Commission Commission (Basis Points) Margins from Trading hours Time Zone Platform

Please note, products may be added or removed from time to time subject to underlying market liquidity.

In order to trade US stocks all clients are required to complete a W8 BEN , or equivalent, form. 

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